Tip Tuesday: oven roasted garlic

This is not really a recipe, but it’s Totally Try This Tip Tuesday*, baby!

Sometimes raw garlic can be a bit too pungent or spicy (like in garlic sauce), so this is a softer alternative, but just as delicious – the oven really brings out the best in just about any vegetable.

Whenever you’re baking something in the oven (non-dessert of course), just add this on the side.

(* I’m not promising this is going to become a regular thing.)

Oven roasted garlic

Roast your bulbs for a softer, more delicate and delicious garlic flavour.
Keywords garlic
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook time 45 minutes
Total Time 50 minutes
Course Condiment


  • Oven
  • Aluminium foil


  • 1 bulb of garlic


  • Carefully cut off the top of the bulb of garlic with a sharp knife so its insides are exposed.
  • Tear of a piece of aluminium foil and place the garlic inside. Pour in about a tablespoon of olive oil and loosely close up the foil.
  • Roast in the oven at 200-220°C for about 45 minutes until nice and soft.


Keeps really well in the fridge in an airtight container for maybe a couple of weeks, but you’ll probably use it up before then.
Use it generously instead of raw garlic for a less pungent, softer flavour.
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